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Each of the elements showcased in this piece (shown below) was carefully chosen throughout the design process to further the idea that from tragedy and loss, new life can grow. The window frame and dark canvas background are meant to represent the pain of loss and the tumultuous feelings we experience while grieving. The hydrangeas are meant to represent life growing out of darkness and are constructed out of painted journal entries I had written over the last few months; letters containing everything I have wanted to say, but haven't been able to articulate. Hydrangeas themselves are significant to me because my mother had been growing them since I was very young, and we were both very fond of their color and the butterfly shaped petals. I focus on that detail because I remember my mother telling me once that butterflies go straight to heaven. Remembering that phrase earlier this year, kick-started this entire project giving me a partial vision of what you see today. Finally, each of the leaves accompanying the flowers are made up of responses to a survey about grief I shared through Scholars and social media, combining the grief experiences of others with my own to create a piece confronting the negative stigma surrounding grief so present in our society.

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